Saturday, January 25, 2014

Personal Childhood Web

When thinking about how to educate the children of today. It is important to look back at your past and reflect on the people who helped you develop. Who were the people who encouraged and nurtured you?

For me it was:
My mom- She is the corner stone of the family. My mom was one of my first teachers; she educated me on her values and beliefs. She demonstrated excellence in her abilities to parent and maintain a career. My mom showed me the importance of inner strength, spirituality, and community.

My dad- My dad is the foundation of the family. He is an honorable man who shared his love for all of us. My dad was "big" on education and I consider him to be one of my first teachers as well. My father encourage us to do our best in school he would always say, "All you have to do to be successful is try and if you try then you will be successful". I still live by that statement to this day it is the encouragement I need when I feel like my back is against the wall.

My siblings- I'm extremely close to my brothers and sisters and it through them that I credit my love of teaching too. I started teaching my helping them learn various skills and the grew up. My siblings have been open to allowing me to help them through their academic struggles and personal ones as well. We support and believe in each other. I can always depend on their for moral support.

Ms. Swann- Ms. Swann was my kindergarten teacher. She was my first introduction to traditional school setting because prior to kindergarten I was in a home daycare. She was nice, caring, and friendly. She made me love school. I remember being happy to go to school each day and I couldn't wait to see what cool thing we will discover next. Being a kindergarten teacher my self, I credit my experiences with her to why I value my position as a Kindergarten teacher today. I know that I set the educational tone for the students when they enter the classroom and it is important for me to provided them with a loving and welcoming environment where they can learn and grow.

Dee- Dee is my best friend and we have been friends since my junior year of high school. Our friendship is important to me because I moved lot when I was younger and had not established any long lasting friendships. Dee has supported me through everything I have ever wanted to do. She helps me through school and gives me guidance. Education is important to both of us and we have made it our goal to accomplish various educational goals.


  1. I like your clear statement about your families, your teacher and your friend. I can feel that you live in an environment full of love, care and support. I like your dad's saying, "All you have to do to be successful is try and if you try then you will be successful." That's what I always tell my children, "I can do it, I can do it if I try." I am sure you can succeed in your career.

    1. Living in an "environment of love" is very important and I feel that this social emotional piece is very important and is often overlooked.

  2. Ly"chel, Great support system you dad sounds like my day, the difference was he was not physically at home because of his job. I believe we were the luck children with a good support system from family.

  3. what an awesome foundation you had. I love your comment about your mom being the cornerstone of your family. I hope one day my children will be able to say this about me. :) thanks for giving me a glimpse into your life. :)
