Sunday, March 1, 2015

Best Wishes

During the past year, we as a collaborative have grown so much and now that is time for us to venture off the thought of departing is bitter sweet. When I first started I was scared that I would be able to form deep lasting relationships with anyone because everything was online and that I needed to be able to see and hear people to feel connected to them. Today, look back a year ago I know that my fear was wrong and that I was able to establish relationship with other in a positive manner that was critical to my personal and professional development.

As we move on, I want to share how deeply each one of you has enhanced my educational experience, my personal reflection, and my professional well-being. Thank you for being open and honest, providing deep understand of analysis of deep concepts, giving me great feedback, and encouraging me to dig deeper into my own understanding. I wish you all the best in you future educational, personal, and professional paths. Maybe one day our paths will cross and we will be able to, once again, support each other in the fight for equity in the early childhood profession. I can't wait until we all graduate and walk across that stage and that is when we will truly understand what we just went through.