Saturday, May 31, 2014

My Connections to Play

Two Quotes that really represent role of play in my childhood

“The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the child advances forward to new stages of mastery.” –Erik H. Erikson

“Play is the highest form of research.” –Albert Einstein

When I was a young child I loved to play outside. I would spend hours climbing trees, collecting bugs, digging in dirt, and making mud pies. When I played I viewed my self as a scientist make new and wonderful discoveries. I would collect insects and draw them, write about interesting things I observed, and try to find out more information bout the insect. In my backyard we have two apple trees and I would pretend I was a apple farmer and collect apples; sorting by color and even counting them while placing them in my mothers basket. Those tree helped me to master a multitude of skills all before entering kindergarten. My parents encouraged me to play outside they would even let me bring in all the interesting creatures I found. My dad would even help me to collect them and my mom provided me with endless amounts of mason jars.

Here is some of the play items I could not live without:
My apple tree

Mason jars to catch bugs

mud and flowers…and my mom pots :)


I wish play was still as supported as it was for me. I know that I lot of parents are fearful to let their child play outside and may be weary about letting them climb trees. Many children are limited to the amount of outside play they receive because of the fear of dangers. During my years teaching I have across countless of parent who say, “My child has never been outside or I never let my infant on the floor.” This saddens me because I know the valuable lessons, discoveries, and enjoyment they are missing out on because of fear. My hope is that parents support their fear aside for the empowerment of their child. I’m sure my parents were fearful with me playing in the city streets of Northeast Washington, DC. but they clearly understood the benefits of the freedom of my imagination.

My hope for young children today is that adults who understands and respects the significant of play in a child’s development will surround them. That they will foster and support the art of imagination and help facilitate the experience. The role of play is vital to the development of children it helps them to master skills needed for future development. Play is the platform for self-discovery and expressions. As we grow the ideas, dreams, interests that we discovered through play, will help to drives our motivates in adulthood. As a child I played teacher with my friends; I would always be the teachers. Giving assignments, passion out homework, and grading papers. They playful activity I engaged in as a child become my reality as an adult. Through play a child might discovery their passion and that passion might change the world someday. 

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